Monday, March 31, 2008

Technology Makes Life a Little Better

This was on CNN's affiliate IBN's news online site. It was published on Friday, March 28th by Himanshu Mehta.

This article is about a quadriplegic man who is living his life again, finally. His paralysis is bad enough that he cannot move anything below his neck. And yet, he has a highly advanced, technologically, chair that allows him to do everything, from breathing to even driving. He has been able to carry a message of hope to people around the world. He is an Olympic torch bearer in Sydney and the founder of a foundation for research against paralysis, PERRY X.

I chose this particular essay because I have a friend who is a quadriplegic and is struggling to lead a 'normal' life: one in which he can communicate well and get around with out being dependent upon anybody else. He is lucky though, he has a fancy chair and he is actually about to move his arms around, still can't move his fingers though. Articles like this one give hope to other people in the world. The knowledge that you are not alone and that you may not always have to struggle is comforting to anybody. This article does not go into detail about the actual technology that has been put into this chair.

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